Cartomancy is a prediction tool that you can use with a simple deck of playing cards. The decks of simple playing cards were used long before some of the more popular tarot decks to forecast the future. They were used to get in touch with the other side of the spiritual world.
Since the 18th century, Cartomancy has been practiced and proved to be an accurate and awesome method to predict the outcome of a situation or a relationship. The techniques used are detailed and not as simple as one may think. You get a peek at the past, present and future.Invalid Token. Please authorize yourself by sending Valid API Token
In comparison to the tarot deck, you can perform various readings for a person. You can get a single card lay, the Destiny Square, Relationship Spread, Chakra spread and more. The different spreads are used for different reasons. Obviously, if you were interested in relationships, then you would get the Relationship Spread. If you wanted to know more about your future or destiny, then you would likely use Destiny Square.
These spreads are available for you to use for the outrageous price of free. No matter which spread you want to use, it is free of charge. If you wanted to get another spread and yet, another one, it’s still free. All you have to do is type in your name, date of birth and choose the type of spread you want.
There is one thing, however. In order to get the most out of reading such as this, you need to be in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and are able to concentrate on the matter at hand. So if you are ready now, go ahead and submit your inquiry.
The results of your reading should be revealed to you in less than 5 minutes. It may not take that long depending on the spread you choose. We hope you find the reading enjoyable and easy to read.
Moon Magick is a guideline that is simple to use and is mainly for those who practice magic rituals based on lunar magic. It provides you with the different positions of the moon the various effects that it has on particular rituals.
Try ApplicationThe Orcus Astrology reading allows a person to have a clear understanding of these basic tendencies and tells you why it is happening. It will find your personal Orcus Astrology sign and give you the specific characteristics to go along with it based on the Orcus Astrology principles.
Try ApplicationYour Personal Year Number is so important especially when it comes to the study of Numerology. It discloses so many parts of an individual's personality. It puts into plain words a person's nature or natural abilities and even what the future may hold for him or her.
Try ApplicationTarot cards have been used for fortune telling for ages and have remained popular ever since. They are seen as a means of getting in touch with the spiritual world. With time, newer and sophisticated
Try ApplicationThe Pinnacle Number is the number that is used to tell you about your future or at least what is ahead in the coming year. It is recognized in Numerology as being a valuable tool. The Pinnacle Number can be explained in simple terms. It describes the variations of a person's natural traits, spirit and his or her personality traits.
Try ApplicationCartomancy is a form of divination with playing cards. Playing cards have been used for fortune telling for ages and have remained popular ever since. They are believed to be one of the unique methods
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