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All this talk about numbers driving you crazy? Are you trying to understand the difference between your Life Path Number and Expression Number? That's simple and we can help with that. The answer is your Life Path Expression Bridge Number.

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Moon Magick is a simple guideline for people practicing magic rituals based on lunar magic. It gives you different correspondences between the position of the moon and its effect on magic rituals. Dur

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Our attitude is important especially when we receive disappointment. Everyone has an attitude and an Attitude Number. What is important to you will probably make you passionate about the same thing. This is called an attitude.

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Tarot cards have been used for fortune telling for ages and have remained popular ever since. They are seen as a means of getting in touch with the spiritual world. With time, newer and sophisticated

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Arithmancy calculates the Character, Social and Heart Number for a person. This will help in knowing your strengths and weaknesses, how to fight in dire circumstances and learn more about your future.

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The Kua or Gua number is founded on the Eight Mansions School of Feng Shui where it is believed that a particular number attracts its own kind of fortune. It is suggested that you should place your dining room table in a certain position or, your bed or sofa in a favorable position or auspicious direction.

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